Examples of photosynthate in the following topics:
- Sources are the structures that produce photosynthates for the growing plant.
- For example, photosynthates produced in the upper leaves will travel upward to the growing shoot tip, while photosynthates in the lower leaves will travel downward to the roots.
- Photosynthates are produced in the mesophyll cells of photosynthesizing leaves.
- From the mesophyll cells, the photosynthates are loaded into the phloem STEs.
- Once in the phloem, the photosynthates are translocated to the closest sink.
- Instead, they parasitize mycorrhizae or other fungi that digest dead matter, ultimately obtaining photosynthate from a fungus that derived photosynthate from its host.
- Bacteria benefit from using photosynthates (carbohydrates produced during photosynthesis) from the plant and having a protected niche.
- Phloem tissue, which transports organic compounds from the site of photosynthesis to other parts of the plant, consists of four different cell types: sieve cells (which conduct photosynthates), companion cells, phloem parenchyma, and phloem fibers.