A spermicide that attacks the acrosomal membranes of the sperm, causing the sperm to be immobilized.
Examples of nonoxynol-9 in the following topics:
- The most common active ingredient of spermicides is nonoxynol-9.
- Spermicides containing nonoxynol-9 are available in many forms, such as jelly (gel), films, and foams, but are not recommended for use by the CDC.
- However, they recommend using a nonoxynol-9 lubricated condom over no condom at all.
- Nonoxynol-9 has a number of possible side effects.
Solution to Exercises in Chapter 10
- Solutions to Practice 1: Single Mean, Known Population Standard Deviation Solution to Exercise 9.13.1
- Solutions to Practice 2: Single Mean, Unknown Population Standard Deviation Solution to Exercise 9.14.1
Practice 1: Single Mean, Known Population Standard Deviation
Practice 3: Single Proportion
- The National Institute of Mental Health published an article stating that in any one-year period, approximately 9.5 percent of American adults suffer from depression or a depressive illness.
Practice 2: Single Mean, Unknown Population Standard Deviation
Solutions to Exercises in Chapter 11
- The grams off at per serving are 7,7,9,6,8,5.
Common Tones under Inversion
Solutions to Exercises in Chapter 9
- Exercise 5.9.1–Exercise 5.9.7 refer to the following study: A recent study of mothers of junior high school children in Santa Clara County reported that 76% of the mothers are employed in paid positions.
- Exercise 5.9.6 - Exercise 5.9.7 refer to the following: We randomly pick 10 mothers from the above population.
- Exercise 5.9.14 – Exercise 5.9.15 refer to the following study done of the Girls soccer team "Snow Leopards":