Latin for "beforehand" or "in advance of."
Examples of ex-ante in the following topics:
Differences Between Real and Nominal Rates
- Since the future inflation rate can only be estimated, the ex ante and ex post (before and after the fact) real rates may be different; the premium paid to actual inflation may be higher or lower.
Conflicts of Interest Between Shareholders and Bondholders
- Because bondholders know this, they may create ex-ante contracts prohibiting the management from taking on very risky projects that might arise, or they may raise the interest rate demanded, increasing the cost of capital for the company.
Types of Exchange Exposure: Short-Run, Long-Run, and Translation
- Translation gives special consideration to assets and liabilities with regards to foreign exchange risk, whereas exposures to revenues and expenses can often be managed ex ante by managing transactional exposures when cash flows take place.
Community Ecology and Ecosystem Ecology
- For example, the larvae of the Karner blue butterfly form mutualistic relationships with ants.
- This might be because the larvae spend less time in each life stage when tended by ants, which provides an advantage for the larvae.
- Meanwhile, the Karner blue butterfly larvae secrete a carbohydrate-rich substance that is an important energy source for the ants.
- Both the Karner blue larvae and the ants benefit from their interaction .
- Karner blue butterfly caterpillars form beneficial interactions with ants.
Passage 1.3
- Longē ante Romam est.
Plant Defenses Against Herbivores
- Some Acacia tree species have developed mutualistic relationships with ant colonies: they offer the ants shelter in their hollow thorns in exchange for the ants' defense of the tree's leaves.
- The large thorn-like stipules of Acacia collinsii are hollow and offer shelter for ants, which in return protect the plant against herbivores.
The Export-Import Bank of the United States
- The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is the official export credit agency of the United States federal government.
- The Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank) is the official export credit agency of the United States federal government.
- The mission of the Ex-Im Bank is to create and sustain U.S. jobs by financing sales of U.S. exports to international buyers.
- Ex-Im Bank is the principal government agency responsible for aiding the export of American goods and services through a variety of loan, guarantee, and insurance programs.
- Explain the purpose of the Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im Bank)
Mutualistic Relationships with Fungi and Fungivores
- In a second example, leaf-cutting ants of Central and South America literally farm fungi.
- Fungi are cultivated in these disk gardens, digesting the cellulose in the leaves that the ants cannot break down.
- Once smaller sugar molecules are produced and consumed by the fungi, the fungi in turn become a meal for the ants.
- Both ants and fungi benefit from the association.
- The fungus receives a steady supply of leaves and freedom from competition, while the ants feed on the fungi they cultivate.
Perseus Gets his Outfit
- Perseus ubi haec audívit, ex ínsulá discessit, et postquam ad continentem vénit, Medúsam quaesívit.
- Manús etiam ex aere factae erant.