Imitative of a sound; onomatopoeic.
Examples of echoic in the following topics:
Sensory Registers
- The best understood of the sensory registers (SRs) are for hearing (echoic) and seeing (iconic).
- Representation in the auditory register is echoic (based on sound); its duration is 2-3 seconds, it is only limited to the sounds we actually can hear and decay is the primary cause for forgetting.
Sensory Memory
- It is assumed that there is a subtype of sensory memory for each of the five major senses (touch, taste, sight, hearing, and smell); however, only three of these types have been extensively studied: echoic memory, iconic memory, and haptic memory.
- Echoic memory is the branch of sensory memory used by the auditory system.
- Echoic memory is capable of holding a large amount of auditory information, but only for 3–4 seconds.
- This echoic sound is replayed in the mind for this brief amount of time immediately after the presentation of the auditory stimulus.
Short-Term Memory
- In terms of the characteristics of this memory stage, the representation is echoic.
Introduction to the Process and Types of Memory
- Two other types of sensory memory have been extensively studied: echoic memory (the auditory sensory store) and haptic memory (the tactile sensory store).