A one-sentence summary of the main idea the student should take away from the concept.
Political Science
memorandum of points of fact or of law for use in conducting a case
Examples of brief in the following topics:
The Creative Brief
Minor scales
Eva's test atom
The Brief Reign of Peter III
A Brief Definition
Types of Examples: Brief, Extended, and Hypothetical
- Brief, extended, and hypothetical examples can be used to help an audience better understand and relate to key points of a presentation.
- There are three main types of examples: brief, extended, and hypothetical.
- Brief examples can be used by the presenter as an aside or on its own.
- A presenter may use a brief example in a presentation on politics in explaining the Electoral College.
- An extended example will likely take more time to explain than a brief example and will be about a more complex topic.
- Each Boundless concept (the supporting element of the three-part content module) consists of the full text as well as a one-line "brief," key points, and key terms.
- An concept in turn is constructed of a fixed set of elements: the full text (including any embedded multimedia) as well as multiple forms of summary: a one-line brief, three to six key points, and three to six key terms, all of which are presented in a blue box at the top of the concept page.
- The brief is a one-sentence summary at the top of a concept page that provides the most condensed summary of the material presented in the the full text—the main takeaway from that concept.
- Visible here are the brief, right above the blue box, and then the linked learning objective as well as the key points and key terms.
- A fad, also known as a craze, refers to a fashion that becomes popular in a culture (or subcultures) relatively quickly, remains popular, often for a rather brief period, then loses popularity dramatically.
A Brief Definition of Business Ethics
Understanding Strategy + The Creative Brief
- The creative brief is a written overview of the creative strategy.
- This collaboration produces the most effective briefs.
- So, tone of voice is a very important aspect of the brief.
- Again, not every agency uses formal briefs.
- It’s worth mentioning that some briefs are better than others.