Examples of summative in the following topics:
- Consider the knowledegeabilty of your audience, prior to the speech, formative during the speech, and summative after the speech.
- There are at least three types of knowledgeability: Prior, formative, and summative.
- A cook gathers the ingredients (prior), tastes the soup while it is cooking (formative), and lets the diner judge it at the end (summative).
- Summative knowledge is the knowledge that the audience leaves with after your speech.
- Assessment, or the tactics speakers and audience members use to facilitate learning, is often divided into initial, formative, and summative categories.
- Summative assessment is generally carried out at the end of a course, project or speech.
- In an educational setting, summative assessments are typically used to assign students a course grade.
- Whereas following a speech or presentation, summative assessment can be provided in the form of positive feedback, applause or a standing ovation.