Examples of cloud in the following topics:
- In developed economies, there are companies like Google and Amazon that offer so-called "cloud computing" services.
- The software package resides not on your computer, but on the vendor's computer (or perhaps another computer "in the clouds").
- For many managers, gross margin by customer gives them the essential information they need without going through the additional step of trying to allocate costs to customers, which is clouded by its inherent inaccuracies.
- IBM - IBM is an enormous organization with acquisitions ranging from software storage and management, streaming video, cyber security, salesforce systems, mobile APIs, healthcare, cloud security and capabilities, behavioral marketing, cognitive computing, and an incredibly wide range of other technical abilities.
- To propagate, an urchin spews a cloud of more than a million miniscule eggs into the ocean.
- Of a one-million-egg cloud, those which are to have a chance of becoming embryos must do so within 48 hours.
- Products have become easier to use, and cloud-based, software-as-a-service offerings are addressing an ever-widening range of business needs in areas such as video-conferencing, digital imaging, business collaboration, salesforce support and systems back-up.
- Storing files in the cloud for accessibility anywhere on any device is wonderful.
- Moreover, this type of processing power has become much easier to obtain through cloud computing services .
- Unless they're very fortunate, almost every day they experience interruptions in their work flow, and often interruptions to the interruptions, which cloud their vision and deter them from pursuing their goals reliably.
- Soon the city's riverfronts were clustered with factories and its mountains were reduced to what looked like stains behind thick clouds of industrial smoke.