Examples of GI Bill in the following topics:
- Some artists from New York, such as Norman Bluhm and Sam Francis, took advantage of the GI Bill and left for Europe, to return later with acclaim.
- Bush's chances for reelection in 1992 and helped his successor, Bill Clinton , win reelection in 1996.
- Many well-known artists attended the Bauhaus including Josef Albers, Anni Albers, Laszlo Moholy-Nagy, Paul Klee, Wassily Kandinsky, Piet Mondrian, Max Bill and Herbert Bayer to name a few.
- In Brazil, for example, the arrival of the Swiss artist Max Bill (1908–1994) in the 1950s inspired a number of concrete artists to form groups, including the Grupo Ruptura (São Paulo) and the Grupo Frente (Rio de Janeiro).
- 1791: Freedom of religion, enshrined in the Bill of Rights, is amended into the Constitution of the United States, forming an early and influential secular government.
- Across the ocean, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were also influenced significantly by Enlightenment thought and ideals, which in turn played a role in the American Revolution, the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Bill of Rights.
- The mid-20th century saw a revival of interest and production of Northwest Coast art due to the influence of artists and critics, such as Bill Reid, a grandson of Charles Gladstone.
- Although many prostitutes were slaves, for instance, the bill of sale for some slaves stipulated that they could not be used for commercial prostitution.