Comments on: Sir John Daniel of the Commonwealth of Learning: Open Education and Policy Join us in building a more vibrant and usable global commons! Mon, 07 Dec 2015 09:33:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Parag Shah Thu, 28 Jul 2011 07:36:53 +0000 I found the information shared in this post very useful. I think OER’s have a lot of potential of bringing education to one and all.

Recently, I too have been creating a software solution to help peer communities learn Computer Science topics, and gain social credentials in the process.

I am not doing this as a non-profit, because I am would not like to rely on donations. Rather, I am trying to take my project ahead on a sustainable profit model. However, one of the problems I am facing is in re-using existing OER resources. MIT’s OCW form the bulk of resources available for Computer Science, but because they are licensed with a NC clause, I cannot make use of those resources in my initiative. I am not complaining though… since it is their material, it is absolutely their right to license it in whichever way they seem appropriate 🙂 .

COL’s stance that they will make content available on a CC BY-SA license, comes as a very welcome policy.

