PowerPoint XP

Adding WordArt to Your PowerPoint Presentation

Do you want to liven up the text in your PowerPoint presentation? WordArt is colorful, artful text that is available in a variety of styles. It allows you to create interesting titles, logos, and text in your presentation.

Browse the WordArt Gallery, and choose the various designs to add a different look to the text in your slides.

To insert WordArt:
  • Click the WordArt button on the Drawing toolbar .

    WordArt button
  • The WordArt Gallery appears.

    WordArt Gallery
  • Choose the WordArt that best fits your slide presentation.
  • Click OK.
  • The WordArt appears in your slide. You can drag it wherever you want it to appear on your slide.
  • Type any text you want to display. This type will display instead of the web address.
  • Click OK.

You can also add Clip Art, AutoShapes, hyperlinks, and charts to your presentation.

To learn more about enhancing your PowerPoint slides, visit our PowerPoint XP tutorial.